SailMaine Code of Conduct
Appropriate Treatment of Yourself and Others: We need you to be considerate when you interact with other sailors or coaches, and realize that an atmosphere of respect—for the equipment, coaches, teammates, and yourself—is essential to a successful program. Please recognize that the boats and facilities you are using are not free and are provided for your benefit. Fair racing depends on having a uniform fleet. This is only possible if you help us maintain the equipment and actively look out for its protection, taking care with dock landings and ramp launchings, etc. Intentional collisions and similar disregard for equipment is not acceptable. Offensive behavior, including sarcastic or hurtful comments and jokes, rude gestures and disrespectful attitudes are not permitted. Please consider how your comments and actions affect others, and remember that treating others as you would like to be treated will help promote a healthy atmosphere. Harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment and hazing, is unacceptable. Any words or actions which make someone uncomfortable have no place at SailMaine. SailMaine was founded on the principle of making sailing an inclusive sport for everyone; harassment of any kind is at odds with our core philosophy. Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. SailMaine defines bullying as “repeated (or a severe single instance of) inappropriate behavior, either direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another or others.
Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco: Sailors are not allowed to use, possess, sell, transfer, or transport alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, including prescription drugs and legal substances used inappropriately, or any paraphernalia relating to alcohol, drugs or tobacco. SailMaine also will not allow sailors to be under the influence of these substances. This applies: • while traveling to or from SailMaine for any event • while at SailMaine (including on the water) and on all property surrounding SailMaine • while at an away regatta, including travel to and from the regatta site. SailMaine’s Substance Abuse Policy is one of Zero Tolerance. Even if you are not physically on SailMaine property, you represent SailMaine as a participant in our programming. Actions you take will have an enormous effect on the public opinion of this organization. Your involvement in alcohol, drugs or tobacco is illegal, and will not be tolerated. It will result in notification of your parents and school and immediate dismissal from SailMaine programs.